This is a two-part series that will focus on kidding care and birthing in does and ewes, feeding, management, marketing, and economic projection issues in raising goats. Goat production numbers are rising in Indiana and Kentucky. According to the USDA 45,000 goats are raised in Indiana and 87,000 in Kentucky.
The webinar sessions will be held on two consecutive Wednesday nights starting on November 30 from 6:00-8:00 PM CST (7:00-9:00 PM EST).
Session 1 on November 30, concerns Kidding and Kid Care and will feature Dr. Kenneth Andries, Kentucky State University; and Dealing with Difficult Births in Does and Ewes by Endre Fink, University of Kentucky.
Session 2 on December 7, features teaching about Feeding and Management Tips to Reduce Input Costs for Sheep & Goat Producers led by Dan Morrical, Extension Sheep Specialist, Iowa State University; and Marketing and Economic Projections for Sheep and Goat Producers for 2012 and Beyond by Erica Rosa-Sanko, Agriculture Economist, Livestock Marketing Information Center.
This webinar series will be viewable at many locations across Indiana, including Dubois County (812-482-1782) and Warrick County (812-897-6101). The series is free-of-charge, however pre-registration is required by November 23. Please contact the host site you plan to attend to register. A program brochure listing all viewing sites is located here.